Virtual Office Geneva
Our team of trained receptionists answer your phone calls ensuring you never miss a call from existing or potential clients
For a fraction of the cost of hiring an extra staff member we can free up your time to let you do what you do best while maintaining a professional image ensuring all of your new and existing customers are not missing calls and taking business elsewhere.
Safe & Secure 128bit - SSL Encrypted
You will be provided with your own dedicated Dublin landline phone number. Calls to this number, will be professionally answered by our team in your company name. You can provide the text of how you wish calls to be answered. Messages taken from callers will immediately be forwarded to you via email.
You will receive your own dedicated Geneva telephone number. Calls to this number will immediately be forwarded to your mobile/landline number nationally or internationally.
With the call answering service, your calls will be answered by our team and messages forwarded to you. With the call forwarding services, calls will be forwarded to your phone, for you or your staff to answer.
We answer calls Monday – Friday 9am – 4pm
Create a professional image for your business with a geneva address and call answering